Why select Winneconne Elementary School’s 4K Program?
Focused on the individual child:
The 4K program teachers continuously fine tune our proficiency targets in the areas of math and literacy to ensure learners have the necessary skills to build on when they go to Kindergarten. The needs and abilities of each child are met on an individual or small group basis. The success of our learners is dependent on hands-on learning opportunities tailored all year long to meet their learning styles.
Highly trained teachers and support professionals:
The Winneconne 4K program provides enriching early learning opportunities provided by three highly qualified full-time teachers, and each teacher has both a morning and afternoon session. Full-time support personnel also assist students in each section, every day.
Smooth transition to their elementary school experience:
Located in the elementary school, our students get to know our school and have access to the support of administrators, math/literacy coaches, and specialists. Our early childhood program is integrated within the 4K program providing all students an opportunity to work and learn beside same-aged peers.
Program structure
The Winneconne 4K program is housed within Winneconne Elementary School, 233 S. Third Avenue, Winneconne, Wisconsin. Four-year-old kindergarten (4K) is open to all students who are 4 or older on or before September 1 of the current school year.
The Winneconne Community School District 4K program meets five days a week for half-days, generally following the School District’s academic year calendar.
Winneconne’s 4k program offers either a morning or afternoon sessions for our young learners:
- Morning: 8 -10:45 a.m.
- Afternoon: 12:25-3:10 p.m.

Students are placed in a session, based on enrollment and transportation arrangements. Class sizes are typical of any other K-5 classroom. All elementary school resources and specialists may be accessed and 4K students participate in all school-wide team building events.
Teaching and learning
Students can be found enjoying hands-on exploration of letters, numbers, books, science, art materials, creating with their peers and teachers. Each classroom has a licensed teacher and a support person in the classroom.
The program teaches the whole child with social emotional, early literacy, early number sense, and incorporating all the arts. Students go to the gym for physical education two days a week. Weekly library time allows students to check out and take home a book.
Our 4K-2 guidance teacher meets with students as a large group in her classroom bi-weekly and does some small groups with learners as well. The Spanish teacher visits our classroom weekly for an exploratory, language rich, fun lesson.
Families are welcome and supportive!
The Winneconne Community School District enjoys strong and dedicated support from the Elementary School families. We know and value families as a child’s first and most important teachers. All families are encouraged to remain involved in their child’s education.
We are grateful for all that the elementary families do for our school including:
- Playground equipment
- Books
- Teacher reimbursement
- Monthly Meetings with teachers
- Fundraising Events
- Family Fun Nights
- T-shirt for all 4K learners
Join Us!
For more information or to schedule a tour, please contact:
Dr. Lisa Hughes, Winneconne Elementary School Principal
(920) 582-5803, ext. 3127
[email protected]